Data Collection with AAC Use


I am currently working with several school-based speech therapists to introduce some simple communication activities with their students through virtual outreach. Since all are at home right now, I’m spending a lot of time on the phone trying to simplify and explain the process for collecting data so these family members can actively participate. We need to know what works and what doesn’t, but we don’t want them to feel overwhelmed. That led me to searching for simple data collection tools that will provide quick, easy-to-understand guidance and can be used in both home and school settings. I found a few I liked and then modified one to specifically meet my needs. I hope you find this helpful.

The Data Collection Checklist for AAC uses basic questions and prompts to introduce this process. It is not a form for recording daily data, but provides an introduction to the process so that anyone working directly with the student can become more attune to responsive actions and behaviors. The list supports the identification of activities/scenarios familiar to the child that can be modified for communication and engagement, pairs activities with communication partners, gathers input about existing modeling activities, and provides descriptors for recognizing indirect and behavioral responses during communication activities. In making sure the families and caregivers using the AAC interventions understand the purposes and “know what to look for”, we hope to assure collection of relevant information.